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Monday, January 30, 2006

I'm just the nuts in your bedpost...

Here's another funny video. A bit NSFW, but funny. No offense to those of you who like Fall Out Boy, I listen to them too.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Time for Tim?

Whew, it's been another long Blogging drought. Lots of things on my mind lately.

There have been some major developments with Kay during the past few weeks. Our long story got a bit longer, and it's complexity became even more complicated. Despite the complexity, it's also become much simpler because the equation is only down to two variables now. Maybe I'll post everything that's happened sometime soon. Bottom line is, things are starting to shape up quite nicely.

School has been interesting as well. Turns out I'll be joining a team of three Architecture students going to Iloilo next Friday to represent LCC in a Math/Science contest. I'm such a nerd. T_T During my Prelim Exam in Graphics, I wasn't exempted. Turns out I made a small mistake in one of my recent plates and didn't make the cut. Crap. Oh well, at least I did well in my Exam. VisTech has been torture lately, I suck at rendering in watercolor. Design has been a pain in the ass as well. Oh well, let's just hope for the best.

Money matters? People still owe me money and it seems they don't have any plans on paying. I've been surviving off donations and I've even gotten a bit of cash from some freelance projects (like that photo shoot during Carmela's baptism) but damn, pay me you cheap ass fuckers!

So what about my escape from reality? My virtual life? I've finally had enough with Ragnarok. I don't really have much of a guild there anymore and the botting situation is way out of hand. Most of my time online in that game is spent spitting out expletives. So digitalninja is 99.99% retired from pRO. The pROSins boards are still going strong so I'll still continue as admin, I just refuse to play the actual game. My avatar, digitalninja has been reincarnated in a new game, Rising Force Online. I'm enjoying the game so far, let's see where this goes. Most Wanted and other games have been put on hold for the moment. I want to wait for my video card to arrive. Then it's game time. Wee!

listening to: Urbandub - Alert the Armory

Sunday, January 15, 2006

What do you think?

My friend Shabs had a very interesting status message on YM the other day. If I remember correctly it went something like this:
The love that you can't have lasts the longest, feels the strongest and hurts the most...
Based on experience, I'm gonna have to say that I agree with him. Sucks to be me, huh?

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Banned Xbox 360 Ad

Here's a cool advertisement for the Xbox 360 that Microsoft decided not to air. It's a great commercial, as most Xbox commercials are. Check it out!

Thanks for the link, JM!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Baptism of Carmela Isabel Sta.Ana

Just wanted to share some of my shots from my cousin's Baptism. This took place on December 29, 2005. (Click to enlarge) ^_^

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Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year's in Victorias

First post of 2006, w00t!

The first thing that comes to my mind if you mention New Year's is my family. When you come from such a close-knit family such as mine, the holiday season is usually like an annual mini-reunion. We all gather at the house in Victorias and celebrate. Cousins come home from college. Aunts and uncles who live out of town also make their way here. There are usually no less than 15 people in the house durin Christmas and New Year's Eve.

As the new year approaches, we all make our way to the dining room to greet each other, then we go out back to the garage and have the usual fireworks display. At this point in time our extended family, the workers who live nearby and their children also gather around to greet and watch the fireworks. Then everyone makes as much noise as possible. Lola goes around and starts banging pots and pans together. We turn on all the vehicles and honk the horns. The dogs bark, children yell, etc etc. Then after all the noise dies down, we head back to the dining area and have a New Year's feast.

Through the years, it has pretty much been the same faces gathering around. Some years there are new additions, other years (like during last year when Lolo died) that there are some subtractions, but it'll always be our family. I always look back fondly on every year we spend together and look forward to the upcoming years, hoping for the crowd to get bigger.

Happy New Year's everyone! I hope you're with your family tonight, no matter how big or small. God Bless!

listening to: Urbandub - A New Tattoo
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