Sunday, January 07, 2007
Hmm... First post of the year. I guess everyone's been experiencing the sluggish internet due to the damaged Fiber-optic cables during the Taiwan quake. Well, let's just hope that the repairs will be finished as soon as possible.
So, Happy Holidays everyone. These past few weeks haven't been too good for me here. After Christmas I got sick and even spent a whole week stuck at home. Up until now, I'm still feeling under the weather. Ugh, what a way to start the year.
*Update 01/15/07* For some reason, I still haven't fully recovered and still continue to have the sniffles. What the hell, dude?
School is back in session again, and of course that means only one thing, PLATES. Got lots of shit to take care of, so I'll leave you with a late Christmas song. Enjoy!
by @ 11:53 PM