Saturday, October 21, 2006
The term déjà vu is French, literally meaning "already seen". It is a phenomenon where you undergo a feeling of intense familiarity with something you think you've never seen or experienced before. For example, let's say you're talking with a friend, discussing a current topic, and you feel that you've already had this conversation with that friend some time ago.
I've been experiencing déjà vu quite often these past few years, and it's always the same thing. I have a dream, usually about something mundane and unimportant, then all of a sudden, maybe days or months later, it comes true. What happens in the real world is what happens in the same exact sequence as my dream. Whatever someone said in that dream is what they say in real life, word-for-word. Sometimes it freaks me out. The moment it happens, I pause for a moment in disbelief and wonder, "What the heck?" The feeling is so surreal, it's hard to explain. Sometimes it makes one wonder, how can you sort out what will happen and what won't happen? I guess like most people, I have lots of dreams about varying subjects. For some strange reason it's the weirdest ones that end up coming true.
There are times where I wish that I'd dream about something important, like winning the lottery or the answers to an upcoming exam. That would be a great déjà vu experience. Or what if there were some way to increase the frequency of those experiences? It would be like having an oracle, giving you "tips" for the future. Seriously though... what if you have a dream that's so good, you wish that it would one day be something you experience déjà vu over? On the flipside, what if you have a dream that's so scary that you hope to God it never comes true?
by  @ 11:42 PM 