Snippets from an article found here.
"Date of accident : August 11, 2006...
Amount of cargo : 528,000+ gallons in 10 tanks equivalent to 2 million liters "
"It was reported that Petron Corporation contracted the MT Solar 1 a single hull vessel to deliver the cargo from Bataan Peninsula in Luzon to Western Mindanao Power Corporation in Zamboanga del Sur (Mindanao Island), but sank on its way to destination."
"The spill has already contaminated 240 kms of Guimaras coast, 1,000 hectares of marine reserves, 60 hectares of seaweed plantations, and 40,000 people whose survival depends upon the integrity of this marine environment have been displaced. They have already lost their means of livelihood as thousands more are facing the same fate while the oil spill continues.
We demand for immediate government action in containing this oil spill as we anticipate greater damage to the population and destruction of the environment if not controlled.
We hold the Petron Corporation accountable and must answer to rectify the damage that has been done to the environment and to the people of Guimaras, Panay and Negros Islands.
We deplore the slow response to this emergency situation which increases the danger and the devastation as it goes unabated."
Want to know what the government has been doing to solve the situation? Here's something from
"The government has hired locals for the clean-up, paying them less than $4 (£2.11) a day to scoop up the sludge on the shores. Many have no masks and use their bare hands. Whilst Petron organizes a scheme to employ the villagers to clean up the mess they create for a measly wage."
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