Saturday, July 29, 2006
Some important stuff in a bit, but first... JM told me about this video, and he posted it on his blog as well. To help entertain the masses, I'll post it as well! This video cracks me up every time I see it. For a quick summary of what's going on, you can check out JM's blog (link is on the sidebar). Watch it HERE. Enjoy! You might also want to watch the Hard Gay videos, just search for them in YouTube.
Now, I know I haven't been posting lately... It's not entirely because of my innate ability to procrastinate, although I do admit that it is a big factor. One of the main reasons why I've been in stealth mode is because there have been some things happening that I need to keep secret for now. Some very big decisions are being made right now, and I don't want to jinx them. Rest assured that once everything is in place, I will have a nice healthy post about it. |
by  @ 9:10 AM ::