Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Sticky Fluids and Small Erections |
Been waking up every morning for the past 4-5 days coughing up enough phlegm to fill up half of my lungs. Hurts like hell and I end up sounding like a frog or some weird dying animal. As much as possible, I want to avoid going to the doctor and just try to pump up my immune system to kill this fucker. This morning I downed 2 bottles of orange juice, some vitamin C and a whole lot of water. The assault will continue all day. Being sick pisses me off bigtime, it's such an energy drainer.
I'm still working on that weird blog post that I've been mentioning lately. For some reason it just doesn't seem to flow properly. Oh well, no sense in forcing it out. I'll try to finish it up soon.
I've been meaning to post some pics of my final project in Design2. Aside from the usual working drawings, we had to make a scaled model of our building. I used a scale of 1:50 meters, so it ended up being a bit big, and was quite troublesome to put together. It took about 3 days to get it done. During the final 48 hours, I was way past the deadline and didn't sleep at all. But all that hard work paid off in the end and I was satisfied with the result because it looked pretty good sitting next to my other classmates' models. Click on the thumbnails for a bigger pic.

by  @ 9:45 AM 