Sunday, November 20, 2005
There are times you wish for something so badly that you'd hope and pray so hard for it. You do so despite the fact that fate gives you every indication that you'd be a fool to ever hope for that one thing to happen. Why would you continue to go on hoping when failure haunts your every step? Why do I continue to keep on hoping? Heck, I don't know.
It's difficult to describe the feeling that urges me to go on, that feeling that grips my very soul. Despite all the pain and tears, it gives you the will to fight for your dream. I couldn't imagine putting myself through this if I didn't truly desire for my dream to come true. Desire, love, passion... the fuel for a life well lived. I guess it applies to everything you do. Work, studying, relationships, sports... there has to be that feeling inside of you, that love for what you do.
Today is supposed to be a special day. I've been hoping it would still be special for the past few months now. As of now, it looks like a big maybe. Or we could just have ourselves a plain old shitty day, just like old times. Whatever.
listening to: Lost Prophets - Lucky You
by  @ 3:08 AM 