Sunday, August 07, 2005
Sorry about that full blown rant last week, it was just an experiment on releasing some tension. It's been building up lately. But don't worry, that doesn't happen too often. I complain alot, but actually getting pissed off and scream and shit is rare.
Anyway, I've been moving my posts from my friendster blog to my this blog, which will be my main blog. Friendster's free blog is ok, but comes up short in my list of criteria. My friendster blog will get the posts first then they'll be copied to the blogspot blog. This way, my friendsters will get notifications whenever my blog is updated. At the same time, my non-friendster friends can comment on my blogspot blog. The blogspot blog has alot more free features and will is much more customizable, so if time permits, it'll get a nice facelift in the future.
What else... Right now I'm posting from the house in Victorias. I spent the weekend here because yesterday was my cousin MM's birthday, at the same time we combined it with the celebration of Lolo's death anniversary. It was a crazy night last night, it would be a safe to assume that everyone had a great time, especially my cousins. Today they'll all be going home to California. *sad* |
by  @ 2:01 PM 